
Enlarged view: Ultrafast Dynamics Group
The Ultrafast Dynamics Group in May 2023 (ETH Zürich/D-PHYS/Kilian J. Kessler)

Founded in August 2011, the Ultrafast Dynamics Group at ETH Zurich develops and uses new methods to track the changes in the electronic and structural properties of materials on time scales down to a few tens of femtoseconds, spanning frequencies from the THz through the x-ray range. We are based in the HPT building of the Hönggerberg campus, where our main optical and THz laser lab is located. Together with collaborators at the external page Paul Scherrer Institute we also regularly lead experiments at international ultrafast x-ray user facilities, including the external page Linac Coherent Light Source (Stanford, USA) and the external page SwissFEL (Villigen, Switzerland). The group is also part of the external page NCCR MUST, a Swiss center for research competence in ultrafast science and technology.

A list of the current members of the group can be found under People. Open Positions for postdoc, PhD, Master’s and semester student positions are listed here.



Enlarged view: Ultrafast Dynamics Group
The Ultrafast Dynamics Group in the fall 2021 (ETH Zürich/D-PHYS/Heidi Hostettler)
Enlarged view: Ultrafast Dynamics Group
The Ultrafast Dynamics Group in the fall 2019 (ETH Zurich/DPHYS/Heidi Hostettler)
Enlarged view: Ultrafast Dynamics Group
The Ultrafast Dynamics Group in the summer 2018
Enlarged view: Ultrafast Dynamics Group
The Ultrafast Dynamics Group in the spring 2017
Enlarged view: Ultrafast Dynamics Group
The Ultrafast Dynamics Group in the winter 2015
Enlarged view: Ultrafast Dynamics Group
The Ultrafast Dynamics Group in the fall 2012
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